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== 2019 guest speakers ==

Gawler History Team Inc meets in the Zion Lutheran Hall, at 7:15 pm, rear of 22b Cowan Street on the first Thursday of the month (except January).

MAY 2nd 2019 - HISTORY MONTH - Denise Schumann - The History of the Gawler Institute

JUNE 6th 2019 - Milton Vadoulis - The history of Vadoulis Nursery

JULY 4th 2019 - celebrating the 175th anniversary of the explorer Charles Sturt's party being in Gawler on 13/8/1844 - Arthur Jeeves, President - The Charles Sturt Memorial Museum Trust Inc

AUGUST 1st 2019- Peter Ryan- The history of Rudall and Rudall and the Legal fraternity in Gawler

SEPTEMBER 5th 2019 - Adrian Shackley - Pre1839 Flora and Fauna in the Gawler area.
No January meeting.

OCTOBER 3rd 2019 - David Taplin - The 150 years of Tod Street Methodist Church.
1st February 2024 - Marilyn Tucker  - The history of Gawler National Trust

NOVEMBER 7th 2019 - Helen Hennessy - The history of Willaston Cemetery
7th March 2024 - Peter Christopher - The clipper ship "City of Adelaide"

DECEMBER 5th 2019 - "Show and Tell" - bring your "items of interest" to show and explain.
4th April 2024 - Pat Sheahan - The history of the Australian Refugee Association Gawler (ARAG)

== 2020 guest speakers already lining up==
2nd May 2024 - The history of Goose Island (History Festival)

February 2020 - Paul Little - History of Gawler RSL.
6th June 2024 - History of Kaurna people, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Understanding Workshop

March 2020 - Robin Richter - The history of Gawler Airfield
4th July 2024 - Milton Vadoulis history on Vadoulis Garden Centre

April 2020 - Peter Jones - The history of Gawler Racecourse
1st August 2024 - Gunther Frensch - Bird photography in and around Gawler

May 2020 - History Month - Maxwell Millowick - Walter Duffield
5th September 2024 - Deb Russell and Dan Harris renovating the roof of St Georges Church

June 2020 - Barry Neylon - The importance of recording Gawler Oral History
3rd October 2024 - Michael Hewitson (the first Principal)- The history of Trinity College in its 40th year

July 2020 - Adrian Shackley - The history of Gawler Environment and Heritage Association
7th November 2024 - Don Loffler - Dramas with the arrival of the first Holdens in South Australia

August 2020 - David Pitt - History of Gawler Primary School.
5th December 2024 - "Show" and Tell" Christmas Social night

September 2020 - Ed Manning - The history of Ames Hardware

October 2020 - Bernie Stack - The history of Gawler Crash Repairers in Gawler

November 2020 - Patricia Dent OAM - The History of Ladies Hairdressers in Gawler
=[ YouTube List of past guest speakers click here.]=

December 2020 - "Show and Tell" - bring your "items of interest" to show and explain.
Atyeo Tony - [ Vets in Gawler] - June 2018

Barnet John - [  a history of the Gawler Humbug Society] November 2013

Barrington Warren -  [ Betting in Gawler] -  March 2016

NO January meeting
Bellchambers Trevor - [ The history of Gawler Veteran Vintage and Classic Vehicle Club Inc.] - March 2021

February 2021 - Adam Pellen - The history of Craiglea - High Street Mansion
Bertram Linda - [ Country Women's Association in Gawler] - August 2016

March 2021 - Trevor Bellchambers - The Gawler Vintage, Veteran, and Classic Vehicle Club history
Brookman Graham - [ The Food Forest in Gawler West] - February 2019

April 2021 - Allen Tiller - Ghostly Gawler
Brown Craig - [ The historic Gawler East house Trevu and the Trevu Nursing Home] - April 2019

May 2021 - History Month - Speaker to be arranged
Budden Leon - [ Gawler Apex Club] - February 2018

June 2021 - Brad Slate - My Grandfather, Mik Mattei
Cairns Cheryl and Catanzariti Mark - [ Kaurna History].- June 2024

Carle Lynton - [ The History of the Barossa Goldfields] - August 2022

Cavallaro Larry - [ How immigration changed Gawler in the 1950's] - June 2022

=[ You Tube List of past guest speakers click here.]=
Christopher Peter - [ the History of the Clipper ship City of Adelaide ] - March 2024

Atyeo Tony - Vets in Gawler - June 2018
Clarke David - [ History of Wilo's Men's Shed] - October 2022

Barrington Warren Betting in  Gawler -  March 2016
Cox (Major) Darren - [ History of Salvation Army in Gawler] - October 2021
Davies Arthur - [ The University of the third age in Gawler] - September 2021
Dawkins John Hon. MLC - [ Past Gawler Members of the Legislative Council] - March 2018
Dawkins John Hon. MLC - [  a history of the South Australian Parliament ] -  October 2023
Drewer Rick - [ Letters to the  Editor] - April 2016
Eastick Bruce AM - [ Gawler Rotary Club] - MAY 2017
Edwards Pam - [ Women of Gawler] - JULY 2016
Forgie Mark - [ History of cremations and crematoriums in South Australia] - July 2017
Frensch Gunther - [  Bird Photography in and around Gawler Parklands ] - August 2024
Garner Steve - [ Monumental Masonry] - May 2016
Gillett-Ferguson Judy - [ Art in Gawler] - April 2018
Gillett-Ferguson Judy - [ History of German settlers in the Barossa in relation to WW1 and WW2] - March 2023
Iremonger Gary - [ The History of Davis Thomson's Eagle Foundry in King Street] - July 2021
Harnett Tony -  [ Hotels in  Gawler] April 2017
Hennessy Helen - [ The History of Willaston Cemetery] - November 2019
Hennessy Helen  - [ The history of St Georges Anglican Church] - May 2022
Hennessy Helen- [ Gawler’s Defiant Anti-conscriptionist: the bits that didn’t make the book (E.H.Coombe)]. -  May 2023
Hennessy Helen- [  a History of Goose Island ].- May2024
Iremonger Gary -  [ The history of David Thomson's Eagle Foundry in King Street] - July 2021
Jones Peter - [ The history of Evanston Racecourse and the Gawler and Barossa Jockey Club] - January 2021
Kaesler (OAM) Steve - [ The history of Gawler's pipe organs and their organists] - March 2022
Kennedy Martin -  [ Policing in Gawler] - February 2017
Krause David -  The history of The Gawler Club - to coincide with a special celebration for The Gawler Club - August 2023
Laidlaw Robert -  [ Sport in Gawler] -  August 2016
Lees Marie Louise - [ Meals on Wheels] - August 2021
Lewis Sharyn - [ The history of Gawler Community House] - 7th July 2022
Little Cr Paul - [ The history of Gawler RSL] - February 2020
Lyons John- [ Gawler's Heroes and Larrikins] - April 2023
Manning Ed - [ The history of Ames Hardware] - September 2020
McGee Damian -  [ The Exchange Hotel]- July 2018
Mann Tom -  [ Roseworthy College and its influence over Gawler] - September 2015
May Andrew -  [ May Brothers] -  April 2016
Menhennet Janette - [ the history of Gawler Broadcasting Association] - November 2022
Murray Pauline -  [ Taxation and Accountants in Gawler] -  August 2017

Brookman Graham - The Food Forest in Gawler West - February 2019
Neylon Barry - [ The importance of Gawler's Oral History] - July 2019

Brown Craig - The historic house Trevu and the Trevu Nursing Home - April 2019
Noll Dean - [ Gawler Lions Club] - August 2018

Budden Leon - Gawler Apex Club - February 2018
O'Donovan Prue - [ Warmth] - February 2023

Dawkins John Hon. MLC - Past Gawler Members of the Legislative Council - March 2018
Oermann Ray Dr. - [ Trinity College] - September 2016

Drewer Rick - Letters to the  Editor - April 2016
Peacock Dr Darren - [ Gawler's Heritage Under Threat] - September 2019

Eastick Bruce AM - Gawler Rotary Club - MAY 2017
Pellen Adam - [ The history of the historic mansion Craiglea] - February 2021

Edwards Pam - Women of Gawler - JULY 2016
Piccolo Tony MP - [ The history of the Labor Party and the Trade union movement in Gawler] - October 2018

Forgie Mark - History of cremations and crematoriums in South Australia - July 2017
Pilkington Michael - [ Gawler's Murray Street 1886] - July 2015

Garner Steve - Monumental Masonry - May 2016
Pinkerton Sheila - [ The history of Vinnies and Barkuma] - November 2020

Gillett-Ferguson  Judy -  Art in Gawler - April 2018
Pitt David - [ History of Gawler Primary School] - August 2020

Harnett Tony -   Hotels in  Gawler -   April 2017
Redman Karen - [ - Why Mayor? The role of Mayor of Gawler: the inside story] - Feb 2022

Kennedy Martin - Policing in Gawler - February 2017
Richter Robin - [ - History of Gawler Airfield] - March 2020

Laidlaw Robert Sport in Gawler - August 2016
Richter Robin [ Gawler Fire Brigade] - September 2017

Bertram Linda - Country Womens Association in Gawler - August 2016
Richter Robin - [ Gawler’s History] - April 2015

McGee Damien - The Exchange Hotel - July 2018
Russell Peter - [ Heritage Walls in Gawler] - June 2017

Mann Tom - Roseworthy College and its influence over Gawler - September 2015
Ryan Peter - [ The history of Rudall and Rudall and the Gawler legal fraternity]>.

Walker Martin - Gawler Postcards - Nov 2015
Russell Deb  and Harris Dan [ - Restoration of the Church of St. George] September 2024

May Andrew -   May Brothers -  April 2016
Schumann Denise OAM - [ Gawler Heritage Collection - Gawler Civic Centre - "Into the Light" exhibition]> - May 2019

Murray Pauline - Taxation and Accountants in Gawler - August 2017
Shackley Adrian - [ The history of Gawler Environment and Heritage Association] [GEHA] - April 2021

Noll Dean - Gawler Lions Club - August 2018
Shackley Adrian - [ Flora and Fauna in Gawler pre-1839] - September 2019

Oermann Ray Dr. - Trinity College -  September 2016
Sheehan Pat - [  the history of the Australian Refugee Association of Gawler] - April 2024

Pilkington Michael - Gawler's Murray Street 1886 -   July 2015
Sims Roger - [ Gawler Bottles] - October 2015

Richter Robin - Gawler Fire Brigade - September 2017
Slate Brad - [ My Grandfather, Mik Mattei] - October 2020

Richter Robin - Gawler’s History April 2015
Spooner Carolyn - [ Gawler's involvement within the Art Gallery of South Australia] -  May 2018

Russell Peter - Heritage Walls in Gawler June 2017
Steinborner Michael - [ The History of Steinborner Motors] July 2023

Sims Roger - Gawler Bottles - October 2015
Taplin David - [ The 150 years of Tod Street Methodist Church] - October 2019

Spooner Carolyn - Gawler's involvement within the  Art Gallery of South Australia -  May 2018
Tiller Allen - [ Ghostly Gawler] -  May 2021

Thorpe John - Cinemas in Gawler - October 2017
Thorne Dr Rupert - [ The History of Hutchinson Hospital] - June 2020

Trigg Daryl -   Immanuel Lutheran School - September 2018
Thorpe John [ Cinemas in Gawler] - October 2017

Walker Martin - Gawler Postcards - November 2016
Trigg Daryl -   [ Immanuel Lutheran School] - September 2018

Walker Martin - Gawler Postcards - November 2017
Tucker Marilyn - [ The history of Timer Fashions] - June 2021

West David -   Hairdressing in Gawler -   May 2015
Tucker Marilyn - [  the history of the Gawler branch of the National Trust of South Australia ] February 2024
Vadoulis Milton - [ The history of Vadoulis Nursery] - June 2019
Vadoulis Milton - [ the History of Vadoulis Nursery the final chapter].- July 2024
Walker Martin - [ Gawler Postcards] - November 2015
Walker Martin - [ Gawler Postcards] - November 2016
Walker Martin - [ First Airmail Flight to Gawler] - November 2017
Walker Martin - [ Gawler Postcards] - November 2018
Walker Martin - [ Charity buttons sold in Gawler during 1910s/1920s] - April 2022
Walker Martin - [ Gawler's Phony History] - September 2022
Walker Martin - [  a history of the postal services of Gawler] . -  March 2023
Watson Geoff - [ The historic Gawler East home Yenda] - March 2019
West David - [ Hairdressing in Gawler] - May 2015
Westermann Paul - Tortola House in Tod Street - October 2016
Westermann Paul - [ Tortola House in Tod Street] - October 2016
Wilmore Dr Helen - [ Gawler’s databases of maps and 1800s rates records] - November 2021
Winder [Lowery] Sandra - [ The history of Gawler High School] - June 2023

Latest revision as of 16:59, 20 September 2024


Gawler History Team Inc meets in the Zion Lutheran Hall, at 7:15 pm, rear of 22b Cowan Street on the first Thursday of the month (except January).


No January meeting.

1st February 2024 - Marilyn Tucker - The history of Gawler National Trust

7th March 2024 - Peter Christopher - The clipper ship "City of Adelaide"

4th April 2024 - Pat Sheahan - The history of the Australian Refugee Association Gawler (ARAG)

2nd May 2024 - The history of Goose Island (History Festival)

6th June 2024 - History of Kaurna people, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Understanding Workshop

4th July 2024 - Milton Vadoulis history on Vadoulis Garden Centre

1st August 2024 - Gunther Frensch - Bird photography in and around Gawler

5th September 2024 - Deb Russell and Dan Harris renovating the roof of St Georges Church

3rd October 2024 - Michael Hewitson (the first Principal)- The history of Trinity College in its 40th year

7th November 2024 - Don Loffler - Dramas with the arrival of the first Holdens in South Australia

5th December 2024 - "Show" and Tell" Christmas Social night

YouTube List of past guest speakers click here.

Atyeo Tony - Vets in Gawler - June 2018

Barnet John - a history of the Gawler Humbug Society November 2013

Barrington Warren - Betting in Gawler - March 2016

Bellchambers Trevor - The history of Gawler Veteran Vintage and Classic Vehicle Club Inc. - March 2021

Bertram Linda - Country Women's Association in Gawler - August 2016

Brookman Graham - The Food Forest in Gawler West - February 2019

Brown Craig - The historic Gawler East house Trevu and the Trevu Nursing Home - April 2019

Budden Leon - Gawler Apex Club - February 2018

Cairns Cheryl and Catanzariti Mark - Kaurna History.- June 2024

Carle Lynton - The History of the Barossa Goldfields - August 2022

Cavallaro Larry - How immigration changed Gawler in the 1950's - June 2022

Christopher Peter - the History of the Clipper ship City of Adelaide - March 2024

Clarke David - History of Wilo's Men's Shed - October 2022

Cox (Major) Darren - History of Salvation Army in Gawler - October 2021

Davies Arthur - The University of the third age in Gawler - September 2021

Dawkins John Hon. MLC - Past Gawler Members of the Legislative Council - March 2018

Dawkins John Hon. MLC - a history of the South Australian Parliament - October 2023

Drewer Rick - Letters to the Editor - April 2016

Eastick Bruce AM - Gawler Rotary Club - MAY 2017

Edwards Pam - Women of Gawler - JULY 2016

Forgie Mark - History of cremations and crematoriums in South Australia - July 2017

Frensch Gunther - Bird Photography in and around Gawler Parklands - August 2024

Garner Steve - Monumental Masonry - May 2016

Gillett-Ferguson Judy - Art in Gawler - April 2018

Gillett-Ferguson Judy - History of German settlers in the Barossa in relation to WW1 and WW2 - March 2023

Iremonger Gary - The History of Davis Thomson's Eagle Foundry in King Street - July 2021

Harnett Tony - Hotels in Gawler - April 2017

Hennessy Helen - The History of Willaston Cemetery - November 2019

Hennessy Helen - The history of St Georges Anglican Church - May 2022

Hennessy Helen- Gawler’s Defiant Anti-conscriptionist: the bits that didn’t make the book (E.H.Coombe). - May 2023

Hennessy Helen- a History of Goose Island .- May2024

Iremonger Gary - The history of David Thomson's Eagle Foundry in King Street - July 2021

Jones Peter - The history of Evanston Racecourse and the Gawler and Barossa Jockey Club - January 2021

Kaesler (OAM) Steve - The history of Gawler's pipe organs and their organists - March 2022

Kennedy Martin - Policing in Gawler - February 2017

Krause David - The history of The Gawler Club - to coincide with a special celebration for The Gawler Club - August 2023

Laidlaw Robert - Sport in Gawler - August 2016

Lees Marie Louise - Meals on Wheels - August 2021

Lewis Sharyn - The history of Gawler Community House - 7th July 2022

Little Cr Paul - The history of Gawler RSL - February 2020

Lyons John- Gawler's Heroes and Larrikins - April 2023

Manning Ed - The history of Ames Hardware - September 2020

McGee Damian - The Exchange Hotel- July 2018

Mann Tom - Roseworthy College and its influence over Gawler - September 2015

May Andrew - May Brothers - April 2016

Menhennet Janette - the history of Gawler Broadcasting Association - November 2022

Murray Pauline - Taxation and Accountants in Gawler - August 2017

Neylon Barry - The importance of Gawler's Oral History - July 2019

Noll Dean - Gawler Lions Club - August 2018

O'Donovan Prue - Warmth - February 2023

Oermann Ray Dr. - Trinity College - September 2016

Peacock Dr Darren - Gawler's Heritage Under Threat - September 2019

Pellen Adam - The history of the historic mansion Craiglea - February 2021

Piccolo Tony MP - The history of the Labor Party and the Trade union movement in Gawler - October 2018

Pilkington Michael - Gawler's Murray Street 1886 - July 2015

Pinkerton Sheila - The history of Vinnies and Barkuma - November 2020

Pitt David - History of Gawler Primary School - August 2020

Redman Karen - - Why Mayor? The role of Mayor of Gawler: the inside story - Feb 2022

Richter Robin - - History of Gawler Airfield - March 2020

Richter Robin - Gawler Fire Brigade - September 2017

Richter Robin - Gawler’s History - April 2015

Russell Peter - Heritage Walls in Gawler - June 2017

Ryan Peter - The history of Rudall and Rudall and the Gawler legal fraternity>.

Russell Deb and Harris Dan - Restoration of the Church of St. George September 2024

Schumann Denise OAM - Gawler Heritage Collection - Gawler Civic Centre - "Into the Light" exhibition> - May 2019

Shackley Adrian - The history of Gawler Environment and Heritage Association [GEHA] - April 2021

Shackley Adrian - Flora and Fauna in Gawler pre-1839 - September 2019

Sheehan Pat - the history of the Australian Refugee Association of Gawler - April 2024

Sims Roger - Gawler Bottles - October 2015

Slate Brad - My Grandfather, Mik Mattei - October 2020

Spooner Carolyn - Gawler's involvement within the Art Gallery of South Australia - May 2018

Steinborner Michael - The History of Steinborner Motors - July 2023

Taplin David - The 150 years of Tod Street Methodist Church - October 2019

Tiller Allen - Ghostly Gawler - May 2021

Thorne Dr Rupert - The History of Hutchinson Hospital - June 2020

Thorpe John - Cinemas in Gawler - October 2017

Trigg Daryl - Immanuel Lutheran School - September 2018

Tucker Marilyn - The history of Timer Fashions - June 2021

Tucker Marilyn - the history of the Gawler branch of the National Trust of South Australia February 2024

Vadoulis Milton - The history of Vadoulis Nursery - June 2019

Vadoulis Milton - the History of Vadoulis Nursery the final chapter.- July 2024

Walker Martin - Gawler Postcards - November 2015

Walker Martin - Gawler Postcards - November 2016

Walker Martin - First Airmail Flight to Gawler - November 2017

Walker Martin - Gawler Postcards - November 2018

Walker Martin - Charity buttons sold in Gawler during 1910s/1920s - April 2022

Walker Martin - Gawler's Phony History - September 2022

Walker Martin - a history of the postal services of Gawler . - March 2023

Watson Geoff - The historic Gawler East home Yenda - March 2019

West David - Hairdressing in Gawler - May 2015

Westermann Paul - Tortola House in Tod Street - October 2016

Wilmore Dr Helen - Gawler’s databases of maps and 1800s rates records - November 2021

Winder [Lowery] Sandra - The history of Gawler High School - June 2023

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